Simple solution for building installers worldwide.


Mobiway Mob is a solution designed to facilitate cable transport and unwinding.

Tested and approved by our loyal installers, you'll cut your installation time in half!

Designed and manufactured in France, the reusable kit contains over 75% recycled materials.

Mobiway MOB makes life easier on the job!

To get your MOBIWAY MOB kit, you just need:
  • 1 MOBIWAY™ MOB compatible drum
  • 2 MOBIWAY™ MOB flanges


Suitables with the Nexans ranges :

“ I have been working with MOBIWAY on construction sites for several years.
With the new flanges MOBIWAY MOB, I save even more time in installation because I can assemble the reels to pull several cables at the same time. ”
Electrician, 26 years old

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