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Nothing is so POWERFUL as an IDEA
Without never-ending research and innovation, EUROMOLD wouldn’t be one of the leading companies of the power accessories market.
For 50 years, EUROMOLD’s R&D engineers & technicians are influencing technology and market with major innovations, among them:
- standardized interface technology (Interface A to E) in the 70’s & 80’s,
- full range of cold shrinkable joints in the 90’s,
- HV joints and terminations for underground cables in pre-molded EPDM technology up to 500kV,
- Interface F bushings and connectors,
- standard outer cone connections for 72kV integrated in compact switches for the off-shore wind market,
- 480TB Interface C Tee Connector, one of EUROMOLD’s best-selling connector currently still in production (2014),
- 200 LR / SR Interface A, connecting the next generation, eco-designed & easier to install than ever (2018),
- New CA0 cable adaptor, easy to install, without any field control mastic, with a better eco-footprint (2020).
For 50 years, EUROMOLD’s innovative approach is a powerful engine to keep us ahead of the game, with a guarantee of premium quality, easy installation and durability!
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