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NF F 55-625 (K25) 1000V 1x185 B2ca-s1a, d0, a1 Anti rodent
NF F 55-625 (K25) 1000V 1x185 B2ca-s1a, d0, a1 Anti rodent
- Nexans ref. : 10279315
- EAN : 3427580818776
ProductEN 50575; EN 60228
InstallationNF F 55-625; NF F 55-625
These cables are used for fixed power or lighting installations (1000 V) and fixed traction circuits (1800 V) in tunnels and underground stations.
Fire performance
- Flame retardant: According to RATP K20 specification
- Fire retardant: According to RATP K20 specification
- Low smoke: According to RATP K20 specification
- Without Halogen: According to RATP K20 specification
- Low Toxicity : According to RATP K20 specification
- Low corrosivity: According to RATP K20 specification
Reaction to fire: B2ca-s1a, d0, a1
- Conductor: Bare copper class 1 or 2
- Insulation: Cross-linked polyethylene (XLPE)
- Outer sheath: Polyolefine without halogen
Colour : black or yellow/green (Y/G)
Core identification
According to NF F 55625
1x: black
Bending Radius
r = 6 x maximum outer diameter
Construction characteristics
Construction characteristics
Dimensional characteristics
Dimensional characteristics
Usage characteristics
Usage characteristics
Selling & delivery Information
1000 V cables: 1000 - Nber of cores & cross-section - SH -NF F 55-625 - NEXANS 279 - WW - YY - B2ca-s1a, d0, a1 - Manufacturing n° + metric marking
1800 V cables: 1800 - Nber of cores & cross-section - SH -NF F 55-625 - NEXANS 279 - WW - YY - B2ca-s1a, d0, a1 - Manufacturing n° + metric marking
Declaration of Performance
- Declaration of Performance n� : 1000292-FRME
- Certification Date : 9/18/24
- AVCP (Assessment and Verification of Constancy of Performance) : System 1+
- Notified body : 2658
- Declared performance : B2ca-s1a,d0,a1
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